Compare our programs at Athary school

Premium Curriculum Program (PCP)Standard Curriculum Program (SCP)
IGCSE/SAT/TOEFL, and IELTSOptionalOptional
21st century skillsYesYes
Digital literacyYesYes
Leadership trainingYesYes
Hifzul Qur’aanMinimum of five additional ajzaa’ (eight to ten ajzaa’ upon graduation)Minimum of one additional ajzaa’ or juz’ ‘Amma upon graduation
Qur’aan sciencesTajweed, Tafseerul Qur’aan, ‘Uloomul Qur’aanTajweed. Study of the meaning of Juz’ul ‘Ammah in English language
Hadeeth Study
  • Study and memorization of Arba’unal An-nawaawiy, ‘Umdatul Ahkaam, Bulooghul-Maaram (for fast learners)
  • Mustalahul-hadeeth
  • Study and memorization of Arba’unal An-nawaawiy
‘AqeedahStudy and memorization of ‘Aqeedatul Ahlus-sunnah wal jama’ahStudied as part of Comprehensive Islamic studies in English
FiqhCore madrasah subjectStudied as part of Comprehensive Islamic Studies in English
Arabic language masteryIntermediate to advanced proficiency in classical (Quranic Arabic) and practical Arabic at completionBasic literacy and conversational skills
Comprehensive Islamic studiesYesYes
Preparatory class (1 -3 years)Available for candidates who do not meet PCP admission criteria.Available for candidates who do not meet SCP admission criteria.
Admission requirements
  • Memorization of 3 -5 ajzaa’ of the Qur’aan
  • Literacy and conversational skills in Arabic language
  • At least 4 years of primary school education
  • 75% pass mark at entrance exams
  • Not less than 10 years by next birth date
  • At least 4 years of primary school education.
  • 75% pass mark at entrance exams
  • Not less than 10 years by next birth date
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