At Athary, we believe that
each student is unique

Athary Leadership Academy

Athary Leadership Academy was born in late 2021 to cater for the continued madrasah education needs of hufaazul Qur’an alongside their conventional secondary school pedagogy. We specialize in the memorisation and study of volumes of sciences of Islam including Hifzul Qur’aan, Hadeeth, Aqeedah, Tafseerul Qur’aan, Advanced Tajweed, Seerah, Fiqh, Nahw and Surf leading to the award of Thannawiyah certificate after five years of study. We delicately blend those mentioned earlier with globally respected orthodox secondary school curricula. This we do by adopting digital solutions and modern technologies.

Our Mission

To nurture Islamic personalities in our students with the aim of producing spiritually and secularly balanced generations for global beneficial citizenship and ethical leadership.

Our Motto

Making the best of both worlds

Core Values

Piety | Scholarship | Leadership.

Our Vision

To be a model Islamic citadel of choice based on the understanding of the pious predecessors, dedicated to balanced human capital development for global beneficial citizenship and leadership.

Leading the Way

Our Unique Islamic School Merges Premier Education with Global Leadership Preparation


Providing a secure and conducive environment that enables them become better Muslims proficient in the understanding of the Deen and the world.


Building on their treasured Qur’ān hifz foundation (a comprehensive scholarship in ‘uloomud-Deen) alongside the conventional curriculum.


Inspiring them through a structured revision of memorised surahs of the Qur’ān.


Instilling in them essential life and leadership skills in a virile digital clime.


Our students are also encouraged to partake in da’wah projects and other volunteer activities that help them become impactful members of the community.


We also stimulate them to take an interest in vocational training that give them more options of career paths to tread on after school.


By nurturing in our young leaders in-depth knowledge of the sunnah, tahfeez, tafseer, hadeeth, tawheed, fiqh, seerah, and aadab wal akhlaaq, we provide them a platform that helps foster their growth in Islam and makes them better people (young ‘ulaama).


To keep our children grounded in our rich Nigerian culture and expose them to the tenets of other religions, we tutor our students in indigenous Nigerian languages and provide them with guided religious studies.

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