Athary Leadership Academy
Athary Leadership Academy was born late 2021 to cater for continued madrasah education need of hufaazul Qur’aan alongside their conventional secondary school pedagogy.
We specialize in memorization and study of volumes of sciences of Islam including Hifzul Qur’aan, Hadeeth, Aqeedah, Tafseerul Qur’aan, Advanced Tajweed, Seerah, Fiqh, Nahw and Surf leading to award of Thannawiyah certificate after five years of study.
We blend the aforementioned delicately with globally respected orthodox secondary school curricula. This we do adopting digital solutions and modern technologies. Our facilities have been intentionally adapted to offer this rare combo of both spiritual and mundane pedagogies.
We run a 24/7 learning program in a full boarding facility equipped to develop the best of our learner-scholars’ potential including leadership skills, essential life skills, digital literacy and other 21st century skills.
our Motto
Making the best of both worlds
our Mission
To nurture Islam in our students with the aim of producing spiritually and secularly balanced leaders for a greater world.
our Vission
To be a model Islamic citadel devoted to providing an enriched programme that prepares our students for global beneficial citizenship and leadership.
Core values
Piety | Scholarship | leadership.
We’re a one-of-a-kind citadel that takes pride in preparing our cherished students for the best in global leadership. As an Islamic school, we are building a reputation for providing a first-class education that blends finely Islamic taribiyyah and conventional education. We motivate students who can read the Qur’ān by heart and have been trained in the basics of Arabic by:
By nurturing in our young leaders in-depth knowledge of the sunnah, tahfeez, tafseer, hadeeth, tawheed, fiqh, seerah, and aadab wal akhlaaq, we provide them a platform that helps foster their growth in Islam and makes them better people (young ‘ulaama).
Our students are also encouraged to partake in da’wah projects and other volunteer activities that help them become impactful members of the community.
By exposing our students to halqahs featuring noble Islamic scholars, basic survival tactics, and selfdefence skills, we help them in analysing matters they’re exposed to more intelligently before acting.
We also stimulate them to take interest in vocational trainings that give them more options of career paths to tread on after school.
To keep our children grounded in our rich Nigerian culture and expose them to the tenets of other religions, we tutor our students in indigenous Nigerian languages, and provide them with guided religious studies.

Co-Corricular & Extra -Curicullar Activities
We offer exclusive curricular package to our students such that they get the best in Deen and conventional education
- Aqeedah
- Qur’aan studies
- Hadeeth memorization and studies
- Fiqh
- Seerah
- Tafseer
- Nahw wa Surf (Arabic literacy)
- Digital literacy
- Wellness and fitness activities
- 21st century leadership training (including critical thinking, analytical reasoning, problem solving, and ethical decision-making)
Our Knowledge haven
Athary young leaders learn about the Deen, the world around them, and more in our awesome classrooms.
Each classroom is neatly furnished and aptly equipped with useful technology to accommodate 12 to 15 students.
Ours is a boarding school nested in a secure estate at Arepo; 12km from Old Toll Gate (Motorways) and a less-than-30-minutes drive from MMA terminals.
At the moment, admission is open to JSS1 and JSS2 students only. With time, admission into higher grades would become available.