With our Individual Learning Program (ILP) every student is exposed to a robust Learning experience
- 2-year foundation programme at junior secondary school
- 3-year preparation programme for SSCE/GCE
- 6th year dedicated UTME, SAT, TOEFL, and IELTS
- Developing proficiency in students for analysis of contemporary issues from Islamic perspectives.

Co-Corricular & Extra -Curicullar Activities
We offer exclusive curricular package to our students such that they get the best in Deen and conventional education
- Aqeedah
- Qur’aan studies
- Hadeeth memorization and studies
- Fiqh
- Seerah
- Tafseer
- Nahw wa Surf (Arabic literacy)
- Digital literacy
- Wellness and fitness activities
- 21st century leadership training (including critical thinking, analytical reasoning, problem solving, and ethical decision-making)